Cheapest LockState LS-1500-SN Heavy-Duty Electronic Keyless Lock, Silver
Finish:Silver The LocKState LS-1500 provides the most affordable access control solution available. The lock can accommodate up to 800 user codes with access via the keypad or additionall iButtons. The software upgrade allows easier programming of multiple locks and peace of mind while extracting audit trail information for up to 4000 access events. The LS-1500 features commercial grade construction and a weatherproof keypad. Supports passage mode, store house mode and scheduled auto lock/unlock functions. Durable commercial grade lock with weatherproof keypad. One-touch lock button to quickly lock door once insideUp to 800 permanent codes & ibutton users (combined) Set times for lock to Auto Lock/Unlock daily (must be the same for all 7 days of the week). Lockout functionality Durable commercial-grade lock with weatherproof keypad Up to 800 permanent codes and ibutton users Issue one-time use codes for contractors, cleaners, etc. Daylight savings time mode built in and also has lockout functionality One-touch lock button to quickly lock door once inside
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